EXECUTIVE'S SECRETARY: "The answer would be no. I'm very sorry." EXECUTIVE: "It's a very good script, but as you know we're a very busy company, and already have several other projects in development. We're very sorry." EXECUTIVE: "Sorry, but we don't feel confident to work with a production company with a past record like your's. It's not the script, it's your company." EXECUTIVE: "We've read your script and don't believe it can recreate the success of your last film. Sorry, but we can't help you with this project." EXECUTIVE: "Despite your last film's under performance at the box office, we believe this new script has potential. Just don't let us down." EXECUTIVE: "After reading your script we believe it has box office potential. Yes, we are willing to fund and distribute your project. Just don't expect too high a budget." EXECUTIVE: "Considering the success of your last film, we're more than happy to work with you on this new project. Don't let us down!"